Monday, September 30, 2019

Sustainable Transportation Policy In Malaysia Environmental Sciences Essay

Climate Change, or Global Warming, is one of the most serious environmental menaces of the twenty-first century. Harmonizing to NST article on Top 10 list Global Warming Cause, Carbon dioxide emanations from firing gasolene for transit responsible for approximately 33 % of emanations. With the population turning at an dismaying rate, the demand for more autos and consumer goods means that we are increasing the usage of fossil fuels for transit and fabrication. The jobs of nursery gas emanations and urban air quality are concentrating attending on sustainable conveyance. There are many definitions on sustainable transit. A sustainable conveyance system as defined by The Centre for Sustainable Transportation ( Gilbert and Tanguay, 2000 ) is as follows: Allows the basic entree and development demands of persons, companies and societies to be met safely and in a mode consistent with human and ecosystem, wellness, and promotes equity within and between consecutive coevalss. Is low-cost, operates reasonably and expeditiously, offers pick of conveyance manner, and supports a competitory economic system, every bit good as balanced regional development. Limits emanations and waste within the planet ‘s ability to absorb them, uses renewable resources at or below their rates of coevals, and uses non-renewable resources at or below the rates of development of renewable replacements while minimising the impact on the usage of land and the coevals of noise. How can transit go more sustainable? Harmonizing to The Center for Sustainable Transportation system it is defined as: With regard to society, transit systems should: Meet basic human demands for wellness, comfort, and convenience in ways that do non emphasize the societal cloth. Allow and support development at a human graduated table, and supply for a sensible pick of conveyance manners, types of lodging and community, and life manners. Produce no more noise than is acceptable by communities. Be safe for people and their belongings. With regard to the economic system, transit systems should: Provide cost-efficient service and capacity. Be financially low-cost in each coevals. Support vibrant, sustainable economic activity. With regard to the environment, transit systems should: Make usage of land in a manner that has little or no impact on the unity of ecosystems. Use meagerly energy beginnings that are basically non renewable or unlimited. Use other resources that are renewable or unlimited, achieved in portion through the reuse of points and the recycling of stuffs used in vehicles and substructure. Produce no more emanations and waste than can be accommodated by the planet ‘s renewing ability. Harmonizing to the Center for Sustainable Transportaion besides, there are several barriers to the attainment of sustainable transit. Four of the most of import are these: More than for most other countries of human enterprise, decision-making about transit by authoritiess, corporations, and persons has become locked into manners that reinforce the present unsustainable agreements and tendencies. There is a mentality that accomplishing sustainable transit is excessively dearly-won, hard, and will endanger our quality of life and life style. Combustion of low-priced oil provides more than 99 per cent of the energy for motorised transit and creates many of the environmental jobs that result from transit. Harnessing renewable options will be a major challenge. Mechanisms for placing betterments in sustainable transit, and circulating ensuing success narratives, and good tendencies are unequal. The attempt towards accomplishing sustainable conveyance includes technological betterments of autos and lorries, fuels and substructure. However, utilizing vehicles more expeditiously ( higher burden factor for lorries, and fewer individual tenancy private vehicles ) would be a good start towards a smarter usage of conveyance. Walking and cycling are the ‘greenest ‘ and most sustainable signifiers of conveyance. However, public conveyance is a cardinal option but it is non having the precedence which it should be. Transport becomes sustainable merely when it does non harm the environment or uses fuel from renewable beginnings such as air current and solar. In footings of human mobility, this means more usage of public conveyance ( including integrated mobility services ) , and non-motorised manners of conveyance like walking and cycling. For motion of goods, rail cargo is more fuel efficient than hauling. The public transit system in Klang Valley includes coachs, commuter Light Rail Transit ( LRT ) , monorail, coachs and taxis. Public conveyance riders are merely every bit inconsiderate as the drivers. Lining up is a practically unknown phenomenon is thwarting and clip consuming 2.0 LITERATURE REVIEW Whenever a auto is started, sitting idle or driving it is bring forthing emanations that are make fulling our ambiance. These emanations include nitrogen gas ( N2 ) , C dioxide ( CO2 ) , H2O vapor ( H2O ) , C monoxide ( CO ) , hydrocarbons or volatile organic compounds ( VOCs ) , and N oxides ( NO and NO2, together called NOx ) . Bryant et al. 2008. Carbon dioxide represents about 80 per centum of the manmade nursery gases blamed for planetary heating. 15 % of the manmade C dioxide ( CO2 ) in the Earth ‘s ambiance comes from autos, trucks, aeroplanes, trains, and ships. The staying 85 % of atmospheric CO2 comes from industry, edifices and agribusiness. Current tendencies show atmospheric CO2 concentration would duplicate by the terminal of the century ( Jan Fuglestvedt 2008 ) Figure 1: Projected concentration degrees presuming go oning â€Å" concern as usual † behavior ( Beginning: University of Maryland ) Harmonizing ESMAP, Traffic congestion can impact human wellness due to pollution with high degrees of particulates, hydrocarbons, lead and NOx. there are three chief beginnings of particulate air pollution: vehicle fumes, re-suspended route dust, and solid fuels, The Federal Highway Administration has documented the degrees of these emanations and how much of each compound is produced by autos ( see Figure 2 ) . Air Pollutant Proportion from On route Motor Vehicles Note Oxides of Nitrogen ( NOx ) 34 % precursor to groundaˆ?level ozone ( smog ) , which amendss the respiratory system and injures workss Volatile Organic Compounds ( VOC ) 34 % precursor to groundaˆ?level ozone ( smog ) , which amendss the respiratory system and injures workss Carbon Monoxide ( CO ) 51 % contributes to smog production ; toxicant in high concentrations Particulate Matter ( PM10 ) 10 % does non include dust from paved and unpaved roads, which are the major beginning of particulate affair pollution ( 50 % of the sum ) Carbon Dioxide ( CO2 ) 33 % thought to be primary subscriber to planetary heating Figure 2: Transportation Air Quality: Selected Facts and Figures 2002. Sterba 2009 Harmonizing to analyze on Hybrid Cars ( Michael et. al 2010 ) , their higher monetary value bends consumers off and makes the vehicles a less attractive economic investing. Energy efficient treating techniques need to be developed before the advanced stuffs in loanblends can assist add to their clean image. Widespread alteration to progress intercrossed engineerings is non a executable option in the close hereafter because of both cost and the limited sum of loanblends on the route today. Overall, loanblend engineering has a batch of possible in the distant hereafter, but as for right now they are non a important betterment over today ‘s internal burning engine. It was recorded that from twelvemonth 2005 to twelvemonth 2009 there were about 42 million vehicles register in Malaysia as shown in Figure 3. Year Car enrollment Public vehicle Commercial Vehicles Entire Year 2005 6,473,261 136500 805157 7,414,918 Year 2006 6,941,996 142038 836579 7,920,613 Year 2007 7,419,643 147050 871234 8,437,927 Year 2008 7,966,525 154524 909243 9,030,292 Year 2009 8,506,080 162309 936222 9,604,611 Entire 37,307,505 742,421 4,358,435 42,408,361 Figure 3: No of vehicles in Malaysia by type To cover with the terrible traffic jobs in Malaysia particularly in Klang Valley the transit contrivers will hold to look to solutions such as utilizing public conveyance and presenting more environmental friendly vehicles. In the 10TH Malaysia Plan, a amount of RM2.8 billion is allocated for bettering urban public transit was chosen as one of six National Key Result Areas ( NKRAs ) , which are priority countries under the Government Transformation Programme. During the 10MP period, connectivity across different manners of public conveyance will be improved through the constitution of multi-modal transportation hubs for services within metropoliss, from suburban countries into metropoliss and for intercity travel. The Strategic Plan is a papers which determines the way of future transit system in Malaysia. Harmonizing to The strategic Plan of The Ministry of Transport ( 2008 – 2015 ) , development of conveyance substructure a seamless, integrated, sustainable and competitory to run into the aspirations states is emphasised. One of the program objective is to guarantee that environmental non contaminated by the land conveyance, air and maritime. TERAS 2 The scheme highlighted is to optimise new engineerings in conveyance by advancing the usage of environmentally friendly vehicles and supplying seamless transit system by bettering the park N drive installations at all Stationss of urban conveyance to run into the aim to beef up and supply world-class incorporate conveyance substructure. Park and Ride ( P & A ; R ) system are known as inducement parking system. This installations system consists of auto Parkss with connexions to public conveyance. The user will utilize public transit to go into metropolis and leave their forces vehicles in a auto park. P & A ; R system are by and large located in suburbs of metropolitan countries or on the outer borders of big metropoliss. Many states had utilizing this system such as United Kingdom, United State, Japan and Singapore. Park and Ride was foremost initiated in the United Kingdom ( UK ) in the sixtiess and seventiess that enjoy most success in metropoliss historic in nature and rather little capacity of commanding that balance to their inhibiting urban construction. In a scope of scenes across the UK, nevertheless, some of which really different in size and nature to the earlier host Centres, Park and Ride has later emerged as a major constituent of local conveyance policies. In Malaysia, the authorities starts utilizing Park and Ride system such as Kuala Lumpur, around Klang Valley and Putrajaya Harmonizing to CASE STUDY ON AWARENESS AND EFFECTIVENESS OF PARK AND RIDE AT PUTRAJAYA, MALAYSIA the consciousness degree for both Putrajaya citizens and visitants is non high plenty to make the mark of the Park and Ride system. This is because, about merely half of the people is utilizing the system while the remainder garbage to utilize the system and make non cognize to us the system. The understanding about the system need to be good explain to the both Putrajaya citizens and besides the visitants. Therefore, the user of Park and Ride may increase and many traffic jobs could cut down. Conference on Environmentally Sustainable Transport ( EST ) provide an illustration of how standards and marks can be linked to important environmental and wellness quality aims. These marks are long-run – specific intermediate marks and mileposts should be set to concentrate action. The quantitative mark degrees below are non normative and could be adapted harmonizing to national, regional or local fortunes. What is indispensable for the EST attack, is that mark degrees are set to accomplish environmental and wellness quality aims. Carbon dioxide Climate alteration is prevented by cut downing C dioxide emanations so that atmospheric concentrations of CO2are stabilised at or below their 1990 degrees. Consequently, entire emanations of CO2 from conveyance should non transcend 20 % to 50 % of such emanations in 1990 depending on specific national conditions. Nox Damage from ambient NO2and ozone degrees and N deposition is greatly reduced by meeting WHO Air Quality Guidelines for human wellness and eco-toxicity. This implies that entire emanations of NOxfrom conveyance should non transcend 10 % of such emanations in 1990. VOCs Damage from carcinogenic VOCs and ozone is greatly reduced by meeting WHO Air Quality Guidelines for human wellness and ecosystem protection. Entire emanations of transport-related VOCs should non transcend 10 % of such emanations in 1990 ( less for highly toxic VOCs ) .2 Particulates Harmful ambient air degrees are avoided by cut downing emanations of all right particulates ( particularly those less than 10 micrometers in diameter ) . Depending on local and regional conditions, this may imply a decrease of 55 % to 99 % of all right particulate ( PM10 ) emanations from conveyance, compared with 1990 degrees. Landuse/Landtake Land usage and substructure for the motion, care, and storage of conveyance vehicles is developed in such a manner that local and regional aims for air, H2O, eco-system and biodiversity protection are met. Compared to 1990 degrees, this will probably imply the Restoration and enlargement of green infinites in built-up countries. Noise Noise from conveyance no longer consequences in out-of-door noise degrees that present a wellness concern or serious nuisance. Depending on local and regional conditions, this may imply a decrease of conveyance noise to no more than a upper limit of 55 dubnium ( A ) during the twenty-four hours and 45 dubnium ( A ) at dark and out-of-doorss. Minister of Transport Malaysia in his address reference that â€Å" The conveyance sector has now entered the new epoch of a more ambitious and requires a high committedness from all sides. It is now requires a manner of conveyance and more incorporate services and quality system. In add-on environmental facets should besides be given accent in the planning of all undertakings for the Ministry of guarantee sustainable development. † ( Message from DATUK ONG TEE KEAT, Minister of Transport Malaysia ) 3.0 METHODOLOGY This is Life Cycle Analysis academic composing which needs a batch of diaries and article readings, cyberspace surfboarding and cognition. Some articles were from Ministry of Transport, 10th Malaysia Plan and Malayan Strategic Planning to guarantee that suggestion proposed relevant to the way of Malaysia development ( Dasar Pembangunan Negara ) . However, more elaborate surveies should be done to acquire thoughts that can lend to accomplishing the ends. 4.0 Discussion What are the holistic attack toward sustainable transit policy in Malaysia? Several schemes can be developed such as:1. Develop of national transit schemeTransportation system webs are an of import piece of the communications substructure of a state. We are wholly dependent on our transit webs to travel goods and people throughout the state. A national transit scheme such as highlighted in The Strategic Plan would assist Malaysia make a sustainable transit policy. More schemes must emphasis on green engineering.2. Enhance national public transit schemeIn order to cut down the figure of private autos on the route, the authorities must be after their short term and long term schemes for public transit. Peoples must be encouraged to take public conveyance for the motion of goods and people. Long term schemes need to be after on how people can travel about in the hereafter by utilizing public conveyance as a precedence and make the finish faster, convenient and comfy. The Malayan authorities has stated a end to hold 40 % of the population utilizing public transit in the hereafter. Unfortunately, at a interim we have limited picks for safe, convenient, dependable public transit. For illustration, we have a really limited train to go from North to South. Road accidents which involved express coach are frequently happen in the state. Therefore, task force group which include expertness from relevant field must be formed. This group will come out with the national public transit schemes and besides to advice the stakeholders on how to accomplish the mission3. National public transit sectionPublic transit should non be run as a profitable concern. It must be look as a pick of transit that people can take. Minimum menu should be charge to the people. More subsidies must be given to this section. Peoples will certainly utilize public conveyance if it is convenient and comfy with the low menu. It is clip for the authorities to upgrade the public transit to the first category installations by turn uping more money in this department.Research and development unit must besides organize in this section. This unit will ever make research on new engineerings to upgrade the transit systems or conveyance which environmental friendly like was done in Seoul as an Earth friendly transit metropolis.4. Expanded national railroad webRailway engineering is still the most efficient manner to travel goods and people. Successful rail webs in Europe, Japan, India, China, Taiwan, and shortly in Argentina, show us that the motion of riders by rail is faster, easier, and better than auto or air travel. Thankss to the English Channel Tunnel and the Eurostar High Speed Train, London and Paris are now two hours apart by train. Trains travel more people, avoid congestion on the roads, usage less energy, and are far more appealing than planes or autos. A state like Malaysia should hold a dependable railroad transit web for cargo every bit good as a fast rider railroad web linking all major metropoliss. High Speed rail connexions between Kuala Lumpur and neighbouring capital metropoliss must be explored. Therefore, the full double-tracking and electrification of all rail lines within Malaysia is necessary. In add-on, ternary trailing and the building of extra rail lines should be considered.5. Regional/local public transit authorizationAs we can see in the urban country, there is a more than one public transit company. for illustration in Klang vale, Rapid KL and XXX are the celebrated coach companies. It is suppose to be merely one authorization which responsible for the planning, ordinance and inadvertence of public transit. This local authorization has the responsibility to command the coach systems so that it operates under an effectual an efficient system. This would extinguish unneeded and uneconomical competition and promote stableness and dependability in public transit. 6. Additional, secure support for regional/local public transit Public transit service is of import substructure. It should non be operated like a concern. There should be no ground why a coach company should even seek to run a sustainable concern. All first public transit services do non do money. They in fact lose money, and their extra costs are borne by a combination of authorities financess, bonds, and extra investings. The best manner to construct stable, dependable public transit substructure is to fund it decently and fund it early on. This means capital investing and regular operations subsidies are necessary. No universe category transit bureau should even be trying to retrieve 50 % o more of their grosss from menus paid by riders. Alternatively, they should be having money from public and private investing. Presently the province authorities of Terengganu is be aftering the debut of Rapid Terengganu, a state-level coach service. While any bus service betterments are good intelligence, this intelligence is even better because it shows that the province authorities is committed to bettering public transit through authorities regulated service. One little point, nevertheless. The name â€Å" Rapid † is overused, and possibly should be limited to large metropoliss merely. A state-level service should hold an appropriate name that reflects the service being offered, non a selling tool. I personally like â€Å" Bas Negeri Terengganu † and I think the acronym â€Å" Bantu † ( for â€Å" Bas Negeri Terengganu † ) would be a really appropriate as the word â€Å" Bantu † reflects the constructs of assisting and back uping each other. 7. Expanded KTM Komuter Service We have to gain that KTM Komuter has the lowest costs and greatest potency for enlargement among all manners of transit. An expanded KTM Komuter service ( that means, higher frequences, longer trains, faster trains, and more lines ) would promote people to utilize rapid theodolite. It merely costs excessively much to construct adequate LRT lines to do a difference in the transit substructure in the Klang Valley. KTM Komuter enlargement programs include new webs in the North and South, extensions from Sentul to Batu Caves, Rasa to Tanjung Malim, and Seremban to Senawang. A program is afoot to reconstruct more than a twelve damaged electric-multiple unit ( EMU ) trains, which would let higher frequence and more dependable service. The authorities must perpetrate to a existent enlargement of KTM Komuter service, intending more lines, adequate trains for five minute frequences, and dependable service. 8. More urban mass-transit lines LRT and mass theodolite should be built in urban countries, instead than suburban or rural countries. The cost of building is increasing daily, and this is why the authorities should be perpetrating to construct lines in urban countries, non suburban or rural countries. There is no ground, for illustration, to construct an LRT from Kuala Lumpur to Klang, when Kuala Lumpur itself still needs at least four more LRT lines ( in add-on to the new Kota Damansara-Cheras line ) . Urban countries need mass theodolite. Urban countries have huge Numberss of people and they have the population denseness to do mass-transit cost effectual. Suburban countries do non necessitate mass theodolite such as LRT lines. They truly need enhanced, frequent and dependable coach service to travel the huge Numberss of people spread out over a broad country. The planned Kota Damansara-Cheras LRT line will go through Kuala Lumpur. The Sentul-Batu Caves extension will alter transit in the northern countries of Kuala Lumpur. However, extra lines are needed in Kuala Lumpur to make the nucleus of a mass-transit web. The authorities should be constructing in urban countries, non the suburban countries. Extensions are for the hereafter. The nucleus of the mass-transit web demands to be built now. 9. Promoting Park and Ride The authorities should implement the user of Park and Ridein urban country. But before that the quality of service of Park and Ride system demand to be improved where more frequent service of the coachs to bring the people from one point to another. Besides improve the service, other schemes to increase the figure of coach user is provide adequate information to the client. Kiosk and information Centre is suited to advise the information about Park and Ride system to the people. Selling and publicity such as image advertisement, new occupant publicity and menu inducements may besides impact the figure of bus user.Malaysians seem to hold an compulsion with LRT and a misinterpretation of traffic congestion. We besides think that traffic jobs can be solved with monolithic undertakings instead than simple solutions. I wo n't tire you with the inside informations of why.LRT is a mass-transit, and it is dearly-won. As stated before, there is no possible manner to construct all of the LRT l ines that are needed to make speedy, dependable, convenient public transit. This means that other rapid theodolite options must be explored. Alternate signifiers of rapid theodolite include rapid ropewaies, and coach rapid theodolite. Even simple things like traffic signal precedence, coach lanes, and traffic monitoring cameras will do a immense difference.Sadly, the bulk of people in Malaysia still cleaving to the belief that traffic visible radiations, reduced figure of lanes, and roundabouts contribute to traffic congestion. The truth is that traffic congestion is caused by holding excessively many autos on the route at the same clip. Fewer autos equal lower congestion.There is hope that the reaching of local public transit governments will do a large difference, spread outing and heightening public transit. Extremist thoughts need to be implemented to cut down the figure of autos on the route. Bus lanes are merely a start but they are easy to implement. Bus Rapid Transit would b e the following measure.A dependable Bus Rapid Transit service running along major roads like Jalan Puchong, Jalan Klang Lama, the Federal Highway, Jalan Ipoh, Jalan Kepong, and others, would besides assist. The authorities must denote a program to put in tram lines, non merely extra LRT lines.10. Decrease in gasoline subsidy and inducements to promote the usage of public transitPetrol subsidies may do the lives of some people easier, but economic sciences say that anytime you fix the monetary value of an point below its natural monetary value, demand will increase and this will finally ensue in deficits of the merchandise. We have seen this happen in Malaysia with cooking oil, sugar, and Diesel fuel. Petrol and wheat may be the following points confronting deficits.The monetary value of gasoline in Malaysia is low ( compared to universe markets ) . Malaysians are driving more and demanding more gasoline. The supply is less and less dependable. Any instability is paid through revenu e enhancements and authorities financess.Other states such as Indonesia ( 2005 ) and Myanmar ( 2007 ) have seen immense additions in the monetary value of fuel after the authorities could no longer afford the subsidies.One manner to cut down the demand for gasoline is to cut down the subsidy ( thereby raising the monetary value at the pumps ) and directing that money into enhanced public conveyance service. The authorities needs to accept that this determination, though unpopular at first, will be in the best involvements of the people.To do their point clear, the authorities should cut down the gasoline subsidy by an sum of RM0.08 per liter, which would take to an increased pump monetary value of RM2.00 per liter. An 8 sen addition in the monetary value of gasoline ( after the election, of class ) would be much easier to accept than a 60 sen hiking in 2 to 3 old ages clip. The authorities should apportion the financess saved towards bettering and heightening public transit.There ar e many simple things that the authorities can make to heighten public transit across the state, and these can be implemented rapidly. An expanded Touch ‘N ‘ Go service, subsidies for coach operations, revenue enhancement inducements on the purchase of monthly theodolite base on ballss, and investing in support of public conveyance governments would do a immense difference for Malaysia.DrumheadThe proposals here are comparatively uninteresting and less glamourous than new LRT lines or monorails in every metropolis that asks for one. The fact is that public transit can be interesting and glamourous and inspiring. However, before that can all go on, there must be alterations in the attitude of the authorities and the people.It is good to believe that improved public transit is portion of the solution to traffic congestion in Malaysia. However, many people do non talk out and demand better public transit, and do non really intend to utilize the improved public transit.They a re losing the point. We can merely hold inspiring, glamourous, interesting and effectual public transit if there are alterations at the authorities degree. Once the authorities makes the necessary alterations, creates a national public transit scheme and a National Public Transportation Department, so we will eventually be on path to a great hereafter.a regular user of public conveyance, is profoundly concerned that authorities programs to promote the usage of public conveyance will finally neglect because of hapless planning and deficiency of support from the populace. 5.0 Decision Guaranting advancement towards sustainable development suppose to be a precedence of the Malayan authorities. Transport is a peculiarly ambitious sector. It is indispensable to modern life, but has many inauspicious effects on wellness and environment. Most transport tendencies are unsustainable. More attempt must be put on to develop public conveyance because survey found that utilizing public conveyance can minimise the environmental pollution and impact of wellness to homo. Although there is a batch of bad intelligence -A the good intelligence is it ‘s non excessively late! We can implement solutions, but we need to move fast and we need our authorities to take the lead.A

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Blackmores Company

The company has many options in its bid to enter into China. The company has the option of using the resource-based view of strategy. This strategy has a coherence and integrative role that places it at a better position than other mechanisms of strategic decision making. This is in view of the fact that companies are not restrained only by imagination. They are limited by their own capabilities, by competition, by technology, and by the demands of their customers. The strategy of many businesses is usually concerned with the match between the internal capabilities of the company and its external environment (Peteraf 1993).The opportunity for the company to sustain competitive advantage in Shanghai will be made possible by its strengths and determined by its capabilities. The companywill use its distinctive capabilities as these are those which cannot be copied by competitors, or can only be replicated with great difficulty. This is even after these competitors realise the benefits w hich they yield for the originating company (Montgomery 1995). The distinctive capabilities that the company can use are varied.Government licences, statutory monopolies, or effective copyrights and patents are the company's distinctive capabilities that it will focus on. However, in light of the competition, it can use equally powerful idiosyncratic characteristics that it has built built in competitive markets. These include patterns of customer or supplier relationships, strong brands, and skills, routines and knowledge which are embedded in the company's teams (Montgomery 1995). The strength of the brand will be particularly be taken into consideration as this will strongly determine whether the products are accepted by the targeted clients or not.The issues of the diverse cultures of the Chinese people will be taken into consideration and it will also be ensured that the products are also branded in Chinese in addition to the English language (Montgomery 1995). Skills of employ ees will also be an important factor in entering the Chinese market. The company will recruit a considerable number of locals beforehand who are specialized on various levels from manufacturing to marketing. This will help it gain entry easily into the market and also penetrate the market faster.In this way, locals will not feel alienated to the company and its products (Shelby 2002). The company will identify its distinctive capabilities and then will surround these with a collection of reproducible capabilities, or complementary assets. This will enable the company to sell its distinctive capabilities in the China market in which it will operate (Day, and Montgomery 1999). The company will use its resources such as capital, equipment, the skills of individual employees, finances, patents and individual managers.Competitive advantage may not be achieved from individual resources. It is achieved through the synergistic integration and combination of sets of resources (Shelby, Morgan 2004). The company will also integrate the industry based strategy in the enty to the China market. The fundamental imperative of using the industry-based strategy will be to achieve competitive advantage, and therefore, superior financial performance. The company has been making good profits and this should serve as leverage as this indicates customer satisfaction with its products.The company will choose will have the option of modifying its structure or selecting one of the three generic strategies. It will also manage the activities of its value chain (Shelby 2002). In following the results in recent research in emerging economies which China is part of argues that an institution-based starategy will also be used by the company. This will be in line with view of international business strategy. The instituiton based strategy is positioned as one leg that helps sustain what is known as the â€Å"strategy tripod†. The the other two legs consisting of the resource and indus try based views (Peng, 2002).The company will concentrate on two areas of substantive importance when venturin into the Shnghai market. It will consider antidumping as an entry barrier. The company will ensure that its products, vitamin and mineral supplements are of quality and are not seen by the target China market as dumped products. this will aslo take care of the subsequent rejection of the company's products by consumers. It will look into the options of competing in and out of China as Shanhai being a big city can serve as a focal point for the company to market and sell its vitamin products (Peng, 2002).Using the institution based strategy , the company will also rely on grouping together of companies with similar interests, that is, those manufacturing and selling vitamin products. The company will will identify companoies whose work it is interested in and see if they can make a merger deal or a joint marketing deal. This could help the company in establishing itself in C hina by corporating with companies that already have cut a niche in the Chinese market. However, this is subject to the conditions of the market. The company intends to enter solo in the Chinese market.It will only consider the possibility of group marketing and mergers if the market is tough. This is not something that is anticipated as the company intends to market its products aggresively using experience form other country markets it has ventured into (Barney, 1997). Reference Barney J. 1997. Firm Resources and Sustained Competitive Advantage. Journal of Management 17. Day, G. S. , and David B. Montgomery. 1999. Charting new directions for marketing. Journal of Marketing 63 (special issue): 3–13. Montgomery C. A. 1995. Of diamonds and rust In C. A Montgomery (ed) Resource Based and evolutionary theories of the Firm, Kluwes, Boston.Peng, W. M. 2002. Towards an Institution-Based View of Business Strategy. Asia Pacific Journal of Management. Volume 19, No. 2-3, 251-267. Pete raf M. A. 1993. The Cornerstones of Competitive Advantage: A Resource Based View Strategic Management Journal 14. Rumelt R. P. 1991. â€Å"Strategic Management & Economics† pages 5-29. Schendel D Strategic Management Journal, Vol 2. & Teece D. J. Shelby, D. H. 2002. Foundations of Marketing Theory; Toward a General Theory of Marketing. Oxford. Oxford University Press. Shelby, D. H. , Morgan, R. M. 2004. Review of Marketing Research. Volume 1, 155-205.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Security and Justice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4500 words

Security and Justice - Essay Example here it untenably treats the prevention of the intentional violations of human rights via other agents over the promotion of human rights and protecting human rights in the instance of suffering initiated by natural causes or the influence of human institutions. So to say that the â€Å"Responsibility to Protect† is a demonstration of global humanity is somewhat illusory. The Responsibility to protect - known as R2P - talks about the duty of states toward their populations as well as all populations that might be at risk of genocide and other mass atrocity crimes. R2P lays down three pillars of responsibility: Pillar One - The responsibility to prevent by addressing root causes of internal conflict. The ICISS deemed this to be a key obligation. Every state has the Responsibility to protect its populations from mass atrocity crimes specifically: crimes against humanity, genocide, war crimes and ethnic cleansing. Pillar Two - The responsibility to react by responding to situations of compelling human need with appropriate measures that could lead to first sanctions, then prosecutions and then finally resort to military intervention. The widespread international community has the obligation to urge and assist individual states in meeting that responsibility by severe means as well. Pillar Three - The responsibility to rebuild, in case a state is noticeably failing to protect its inhabitants. Then the international community should be efficiently prepared to take suitable mutual action by delivering full assistance with reconstruction, recovery and resolution, all in a well-timed and definitive fashion as per the UN Charter. These tenets devised in a report of the International Commission on Intervention and State Sovereignty during 2001 and were approved by the United Nations General Assembly in the 2005 World Summit Outcome Document paragraphs 138, 139 and 140. In January 2009, the UN Secretary-General published a report on application and adherence to the

Friday, September 27, 2019

Case study on the design of a contemporary Civil Engineering project Essay

Case study on the design of a contemporary Civil Engineering project - Essay Example The Strait of Messina Bridge Project The project overview The Strait of Messina bridge project was started in the year 2006 and was designed to end in 2008. Due to problems to do with finance and project budget terminated as suggested by Porter and Prince (2009). However with the election Silvio Berlusconi as the prime minister in 2008, the project was revived the same year. Once Messina bridge project is completed, it will become one of the longest suspension bridges to have been built in the world. The Messina Bridge will be sixty meters wide with twelve traffic lanes and two middle lanes for trains. It will therefore allow about one hundred and forty thousand vehicles and two hundred trains to use the bridge in a day. However there has been a debate of whether the bridge will stand earthquakes and also about its impacts to the environment. The project is still on construction and it has been designed to complete by 2012. The context of the project The historical context of the Str ait of Messina Bridge has been covered with several events. In 1969, different concepts of the bridge construction were offered for competition and among them was the cable-stayed design which later brought the issue of this project. Around 1979, a committee was set up and came up with a study for the crossing bridge as suggested by Lane (2010). Five years later a company by the name Stretto di Messina was established which came up with three ways to construct the bridge. The different ways were, one the suspension bridge, second the floating tunnel and finally the bored tunnel. Evidence was gathered from different experts who dismissed the ideas of the tunnel and advocated for the suspension bridge. The decision on the construction of the bridge raised a lot politically heated debates in Italy. Those supporting the decision argued that it created employment and boosted tourism. Those against it argued that it was unnecessary and the government would first focus on the roads more ef ficient. Some geological concerns were about the history of earthquakes in area would be a challenge to the project. Seismic-tectonic and wind conditions context has also been focused on. The ability of the bridge to overcome seismic effects and wind has been an issue of concern. The bridge once completed will be open fulltime without any traffic interruption due to strong winds. It will use special wind protection barriers capable of maintaining normal traffic movement even in the case of strong wind. The bridge has aerodynamic properties that give it the ability to withstand wind of any speed. In as far as seismic activities are concerned; the bridge has a natural insulation. This natural insulation makes the bridge insensitive to earthquakes. The structure is insulated against physical possibilities such as vibration. According to Simonis (2010), the Messina Bridge is designed to overcome an extreme earthquake which has a magnitude of about 7.1 being focused at about fifteen kilo meters from the site of the bridge. The environmental aspects of the Messina Bridge have caused resentment on the local people and a lot of protest. These aspects include the construction’s impact on the local wildlife and the traditional and poor structure of the region. Some measures have been taken to reduce the environmental impact of the project activities. These include using the tunnel’

Thursday, September 26, 2019

PhIP can accurately identify known and previously unreported Coursework

PhIP can accurately identify known and previously unreported autoantigens - Coursework Example The paper "PhIP can accurately identify known and previously unreported autoantigens" seeks to affirm the hypothesis that â€Å"PhIP can accurately identify known and previously unreported autoantigens† figure 3 shows seven figure that represent various experimental processes. Key technical issues in the program of work include the accurate and PhIP sequencing and T7 cloning, verifying and analyzing results from human samples with different consenting PND patients. Firstly the human protein and cDNA sequences available are downloaded from the database at build 35.1 of the human genome. Then this cDNA and the proteins are used to construct the library. This procedure involved the proteome wide library and the N/C terminal libraries that were PCR amplified as 23 independent pools with common primer sequences. This process was conducted in a controlled thermal profile. The polymerase chain reaction was then digested and cloned into the T7FNS2 making numerous copies of each peptid e.the cloning process involved the inserting a peptide in the required ORF sequence selected using restriction enzymes. This part is an a explanation of the processes involved in fig 3.d, g, f, c, e Patient A, B and C samples are collected from willing patients approved by relevant medical authorities. The samples of cerebrospinal fluids were kept at temperatures of - 80 degrees Celsius before being used. Before the collection of sample the patients have to undergo various neurological evaluations before the samples.

PACT analysis and prototype design for an interactive system Essay

PACT analysis and prototype design for an interactive system - Essay Example Also, the other people involved in the project are obviously going to be the users of the interface that will be developed in order to visualise what is being renovated. What is interesting is that the various stages of renovation can be accessed at various points of the program that is to be developed. This will allow users to be able to work from a blueprint and be able to assemble, by themselves, the Windsor Castle—at various stages of its development. The age range for this project would probably be starting at age 12 and range to 90+. Their means to do a lot would be limited with this program. Language should not be a major issue with the people involved in assembling the project (the users). (219 words) Activities. The activity that users actually do now is probably something like assembling one single hologram puzzle in which the image of the Windsor Castle is projected into the air. The special characteristics that this activity possesses is that users get to be intera ctive with the pieces as manipulatables, are able to assemble one version of the castle, and can see a finished product—a hologram of the Windsor Castle itself (but one version only). There is not much that can be done to eliminate repetition except to somehow eliminate the need to use pieces to tack onto the existing puzzle. In order to make the activity more fun, it might be nice to construct a computerized virtual model of Windsor Castle, and have this software be able to construct different models of the castle based on the time period in which the castle is being built. The activities that the new design will support will include as many different versions of the castle whereby the entire castle would be rebuilt, as well as the ability to walk through all the different rooms of the castle—major rooms only. (189 words) Context of use. The features of the current context are very rudimentary. Ideally, the environment in which the software is used would be leisurely and quiet. The system would need some level of training in order to use it, whereas the current puzzle game would require little to no training. Physical puzzles can be solved together with more than one person, while the prototype that would eventually be the product would probably only have room for one user at a time. The ecological acceptability of the design would be helpful in that it would use energy, i.e., power to run the computer. If one wanted to use a diamond to project holographic images, that would not be legally acceptable, especially considering that there are a lot of blood diamonds circulating. Whereas, with a puzzle, one is probably going to have to sacrifice trees to make the paper to make the puzzle pieces. Socially, a computer program is acceptable as a means of learning information. The legal problems that might be presented in demonstrating a building that might have copyrights associated with its image would have to be taken up with the proper authorities wi thin and without the monarchy of Britain. (197 words) Current Technology. The technology used now is computer software. However, a piece of computer software which would be able to project a hologram off of the screen would be quite novel. The problems with current holographical software regarding a virtual reality program is that the equipment to produce images using such a product is expensive, not to mention expensive to the

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Idea of translation and related issue Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Idea of translation and related issue - Essay Example That is why there is such an aspect as a misunderstanding or not understanding of the spoken or heard information. As the practice shows, such a thing as a pure translation is impossible. In any case there are some contributing factors such as the existence of opinions or attitudes to what is translated or interpreted by the person who translates, even some ethical or political reasons with the intention to influence the person who is aimed to hear the message, and so forth. So let’s see how the issue of translation is considered by different scientists – Emmanuel Levinas, Karl Marx in the context of the theme of colonialism and translation and whose ideas and statements are supported by Dr. Suh and whose ones are denounced by him. To begin with it is necessary to admit that both translation theories of Emmanuel Levinas as well as Karl Marx are linked with each other as the first one serves as a basis for the existence of the second one. We will start with Levinas who is well-known by his critics of the tradition of Western philosophical though. According to him â€Å"The sociality of language (or dialogue): cannot be reduced to the exchange of ideas between those who share the same ground of understanding and belong to the commonness† (Suh). So the theory of Levinas’s translation is attached with the main theme of ethical and political practice with the concepts of the â€Å"self† and the â€Å"other†, that is, â€Å"the problem of politics comes up because there are multiple others in the world† (Suh). Another important part in realizing of Levinas’s theory of translation is his concepts of the â€Å"saying† and the â€Å"said† – â€Å"The key t o connecting Levinas’s ethics to actual politics is understanding the relationship between saying and the said† (Suh). In other words, the â€Å"self† and the â€Å"other† have almost nothing common between them that’s

Monday, September 23, 2019

World Civilization I Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 2

World Civilization I - Essay Example There was also intimate association between the priests and the chieftains in Vedic India. In the society of Vedic India, there were also four major castes, that is, the Brahmins (priestly caste), the Ksatriyas (worrior caste), the Vaishyas (the farmer and tradesman caste), and the Shudras (servants and menial workers) (Indian History 205). Just like in the Vedic India, the societies in the Southeast Asia had also some structural features that acted as centers for political and military authority. Additionally, it is evident that the societies in the Southeast Asia also expanded like the territories in Vedic India. This is evidenced by the extension of the cities in the Southeast Asia to the surrounding areas. The demand for provision of defense in the Southeast Asia also led to the emergence of kingdoms like in the Vedic India which enhanced taxation. Just like castes in Vedic India, Southeast Asia had also empires such as Akkadians and Babylonians. Social distinction was also evident in Southeast Asia like in Vedic India. This is evidenced by the variation in the rate of punishment as a result of class distinction. Unlike Southeast Asia, the social structure of ancient China looks like that of Vedic India. This is evidenced by the social structure of China first having the kings and nobles in the highest level, then the lords and warriors, and finally the peasants in the lowest class. The roles of leaders in ancient China were also well stipulated. The kings led to government, the lords paid taxes to the kings as well as provided warriors to protect the land, and the peasants worked for the

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Colombia population Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Colombia population - Assignment Example The researches also explore the existence of Asian and Chinese ancestry in Colombian population, though its percentage is almost negligible. Consequently, combination of indigenous and Asian population makes less than 2% of total present population of the country. Somehow, it is estimated that European Amerindians, called Mestizo, make up three fifth of the Colombian population followed by Whites, and the European-Africans called Mulatto, percentage of which is one fifth and one seventh of total population respectively. ( It is therefore Colombian culture is viewed as the amalgamation of several sub-cultures on the basis of origin, race, ethnicity, region and religion. An overwhelming majority (i.e. 90%) is Roman Catholic, while Protestants, Jews and Muslims are also the part of the population of the country. Urbanization had been in vogue in Colombia by the last decade of twentieth century; consequently over three fourth population lives in cities now. Nearly 5% population consists of elderly citizens (i.e. over 65 years), while one third of Colombians are under 15 years of age. Hence, nearly two fifth of the total population consists of non-productive individuals, while Almost 91% population consists of literate individuals. (Encyclopedia of Nations) Life expectancy is estimated to be 70 and 77 years for males and females respectively, where approximately one sixth of the total population is leading life below the poverty line determined by the UN experts. Though Colombia had won freedom from Spain in July 1810, yet Spanish Laws are followed at political and social forums by the executive, legislature and judiciary. Colombia is a peaceful state, though it undergoes two international disputes; one with the neighboring country Venezuela on the Venezuela Gulf, and the other with Nicaragua over Archipelago de San Andres y Providencia and Quita Sueno

Saturday, September 21, 2019

The Crumbling Taj Essay Example for Free

The Crumbling Taj Essay The reaction rate, however, should decrease as the experiment progresses because as the reaction time increases the number of hydrochloric acid molecules present will decrease as they have been reacted to form water calcium chloride and carbon dioxide. The additional water and calcium chloride present as the experiment progresses should decrease the rate of reaction because of decrease in concentration. This should make a graph of the reaction curved as the reaction rate slows down. Kinetic theory is based on the assumption that chemical reactions take place as a result of reacting particles colliding successfully. Successful collisions need a sufficient amount of energy. Particles that posses more kinetic energy than the activation energy are able to react more successfully. The reacting particles all have different kinetic energies due to collisions hanging their speeds. Maxwell and Boltzmann presented the distribution in kinetic energies for two temperatures (high and low) in graphs called distribution curves on which the areas under the curves past the points called energy barriers represent the number of kinetic energies. The bigger the area under the curve, the greater the number of particles with a certain energy that will promote a chemical reaction. Hotter particles have extra kinetic energy after surmounting the number of collisions in unit time. These collisions are more likely to be successful as there would be more than enough energy for them. Although I will not be looking at the factor of TEMPERATURE, I can extend my investigation and experiment the effects of temperature on the rate of reaction. HYPOTHESIS FOR EXPERIMENT 1 COUNTING BUBBLES Counting bubbles is an experiment which I personally think is not very fair. There may be many mistakes in counting the number of bubbles produced for five continuous minutes and so the experiment would not be accurate. Although this experiment isnt so accurate, I think that the results will still show a trend in the pattern of results. I predict that if the concentration of the HCl is doubled then the experiment will happen twice as fast. HYPOTHESIS FOR EXPERIMENT 2 COLLECTING GAS OVER WATER By putting more particles into the reaction, the chance of them colliding increases and so the rate increases. Concentration is a variable that is continuous and independent. I shall test this variable by observing the rate at which hydrogen gas collects over water against the concentration of hydrochloric acid used with CaCO3. I predict that by doubling the concentration of the acid, the rate of reaction will also double. The higher the concentration, the higher the rate of reaction. HYPOTHESIS FOR EXPERIMENT 3 COLLECTING GAS IN A SYRINGE This experiment is very similar to experiment 2 (collecting gas over water) but this experiment is the most accurate out of the three that I will be carrying out. I predict that I will have a very similar type of results and graphs as in experiment 2. I predict that the graph will have more better and accurate trend lines in the graphs showing a curved line of best fit. The higher you raise the concentration the more the particles will collide therefore corrosion of the marble will occur. Plan for the investigation. I will ensure that the goggles are worn throughout the experiments. Care will be taken not to spill any of the acid. Glass will be handled with care to prevent breakages and cuts. If any sort of accident occurs amends will be made with the help of trained technicians. Large volumes of acid will not be carried around to reduce the risk of a spillage. Containers will be kept well away from edges of the benches. Low molar concentration of hydrochloric acid will be used for safety. FAIR TEST To perform a fair test I will do as follows: In the experiment I will measure each substance accurately. I will carry out the experiment at the same room temperature of 20oc each time. I will wash the conical flask with distilled water after each experiment to make sure that there isnt any solution left over from the previous experiment. I will have to stay alert when counting bubbles and will have to concentrate hard. I will also repeat the test again and take the average of the two results to get an average set of results which will be more reliable. By following my fair testing the results will hopefully come out accurate. I will be alert and take the timings accurately for each of the experiments. METHOD FOR EXPERIMENT 1 COUNTING BUBBLES. This is how I will be carrying out my 1st experiment to find out the rate of reaction between marble and hydrochloric acid: When doing my experiments I will use the same procedure throughout. I will first get the necessary equipment that will be needed and will set it up as show below. I will then get 30ml of 0. 1M hydrochloric acid and will put it into the conical flask. To make sure the volumes of acid and water were right we will measure the volumes of each in a measuring cylinder to be accurate. To make sure the mass of marble chips are right we would measure them on the electronic balance to one decimal place. I will then get 2grams of marble chips (roughly the same size) and I will gently put the marble chips into the solution of hydrochloric acid and will spontaneously close the conical flask with the delivery tube that is attached to a bung at the end. As soon as I close the top of the flask, I will start the stopwatch and I will start counting the bubbles, which will be coming out from the test tube. I will record the number of bubbles produced each minute up to five minutes. The bubbles that will be produced will indicate how much CO2 is being given off by the reaction between CaCO3 and 2HCl. I will carry out this experiment again for Distilled water, 0. 5, 1. 0, 1. 5 and 2 molar to see how the concentration affect the rate of reaction. I will keep the amount of marble chips and hydrochloric acid the same for every test I carry out so it would be fair. At the end I will also carry out this experiment on distilled water so I can compare the two substances. In this experiment I will have to concentrate all the time as I will have to count the bubble for five minutes and will have to make sure that I dont miss out on counting a single bubble. After the experiment is over, I will carry out the experiment again to confirm my results and to make sure that I was counting the bubbles correctly. This picture shows how I am going to set-up my experiment and I am going to count the bubbles that come out of the test tube. METHOD FOR EXPERIMENT 2 COLLECTING MEASURING GAS This is how I will be carrying out my 2nd experiment to find out the rate of reaction between marble and hydrochloric acid: When doing my experiments I will use the same procedure throughout. I will first fill the tub with tap water about half way up and fill the measuring cylinder with water and then turn the measuring cylinder upside down into the tub of water so the cylinder would still be filled with water. By doing this, we will create a slight margin of error because some of the water will be displaced when doing this although it will be very little. Then we will clamp the measuring cylinder in place. We will change the size of the cylinders; however, this will not make the test unfair. We then will put the delivery tube under the cylinder so the air from the experiment could displace the water. To make sure the volumes of acid and water were right we will measure the volumes of each in a measuring cylinder to be accurate. I will then get 30ml of 0. 1M Hydrochloric acid and put it into the conical flask. To make sure the mass of marble chips are right we would measure them on the electronic balance to one decimal place. As soon as we put the Marble chips and the acid in the conical flask and close it with the bung which will be attached to a delivery tube; we will immediately start the stopwatch. We will see how long it takes (In seconds) for the measuring cylinder to fill up with 100cm3 of Carbon Dioxide gas. We will carry this experiment out on a range of different concentrations of Hydrochloric acid. I will be carrying out this experiment on 0. 5M, 1. 0M, 1. 5M and 2. 0M to see how the concentrations affect the rate of reaction. I will also use distilled water to compare it against the hydrochloric acid. After the experiment is over I shall carry out a retest to confirm my results and I will take the average out of the two results. Below it show exactly how the experiment was set up. METHOD FOR EXPERIMENT 3 SYRINGE TEST This is how I will be carrying out my 3rd experiment to find out the rate of reaction between marble and hydrochloric acid: When doing my experiments I will use the same procedure throughout. I will first get the necessary equipment that will be needed and will set it up as show below. In this experiment I will again experiment the time it will take for the syringe to fill up with 100cm3 of Carbon Dioxide gas. Although this experiment will be very similar to Experiment 2, this will be more accurate as the equipment used will be more appropriate. I would assume the results in this test to be very similar to Experiment 2 so I will change the amount of Marble chips and the volume of the Hydrochloric acid to experiment what different it makes. I will used 5 grams of marble chips and 50 cm3 of Hydrochloric acid in this test but will used the same range of concentrations which are, 0. 1M, 0. 5M, 1. 0M, 1. 5M, 2M and will also use distilled water. I will do the same, starting of with 0. 1M Hydrochloric acid and put it into the conical flask. As soon as we put the Marble chips and the acid in the conical flask and close it with the bung which will be attached to a delivery tube; we will immediately start the stopwatch. We will see how long it takes (In seconds) for the measuring cylinder to fill up with 100cm3 of Carbon Dioxide gas. After the experiment is over I shall carry out a retest to confirm my results and I will take the average out of the two results. Table of Results for the method of counting the bubbles. Mass of marble /g Concentration of HCl in 30cm3 / M Time In Mins Bubbles collected Expt. 1 Bubbles collected Expt. 2 Bubbles collected Average Initial temperature / oC 2g Distilled water 1 2 3 4 5u.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Defining SMEs and Identifying their features

Defining SMEs and Identifying their features Governmental committee findings and research schemes have different approaches about the definition and the characteristics of small and medium businesses. Regarding performance of SMEs Westhead Storey have mentioned the small firm is not a scaled down version of a large firm. In short, theories relating to SMEs must consider the motivations, constraints and uncertainties facing smaller firms and recognize that these differ from those facing large firms. There are so many criteria either qualitative or quantitative to decide what form an enterprise is. In case of quantitative measures; staffing level, turnover and asset can be mentioned while others carry qualitative approach. Not only there is a large number of prospects regarding the features of SMEs but also governmental viewpoints conduct a numerous of SMEs definitions depending on the county being considered. For example the report which has been issued by Wiltshire Committee in Australia has shown this flexible definition of any SMEs (Meredith, 1994) Small business is one in which one or two persons are required to make all of the critical decisions (such as finance, accounting, personnel, inventory, production, servicing, marketing and selling decisions) without the aid of internal (employed) specialists and with owners only having specific knowledge in one or two functional areas of management. United states pay more attention to the position of organization within the overall marketplace. According to United States Small Business Administration (SBA) SMEs have the following definition An SME shall be deemed to be one which is independently owned and operated and which is not dominant in its field of operation. On the other hand the quantitative attitude has been emerged in United Kingdom, defining an SME as: Having fewer than 50 employees and is not a subsidiary of any other company. Small and medium enterprises have their own characteristics and applying large-scaled companies features to SMEs is not suitable. The studies which have done by Reynolds et al., (1994), Murphy (1996), Bunker MacGregor (2000) show differences in management style between large business and SMEs. These studies have illustrated SMEs tend to have a small management team rather than a group of people (often prefer to have one or two individuals), they are strictly monitored by owner of the firm and they have little control over their environment and responsibilities and the wish they could be independent. Differences between SMEs and larger firms are magnified even more when they move toward IT (Bunker and MacGregor 2000). Khan and khan (1992) mentioned that SMEs prefer not to run complicated applications on their computers. According to a general point of view of literature, a summary of features of SMEs has been reported by MacGregor and Vrazalic (2004) which is illustrated in Table. SMEs characteristics can be categorized either internal or external. Internal features embrace management, decision making and planning processes, and acquisition of resources on the other hand external characteristics are associated to the market (products/services and customers) and external environment. ID Characteristics of SMEs Reported by INT1 SMEs have small and centralized management with a short range perspective. Reynolds et al.. (1994) Bunker MacGregor(2002) Welsh white (1981) INT2 SMEs have poor management skills. Blili Raymond (1993) INT3 SMEs have informal and inadequate planning and record keeping processes. Reynolds et al., (1994) Tetteh Burn (2001) Miller Besser (2000) Rotch (1981) INT4 SMEs exhibit a strong desire for independence and avoid business ventures which impinge on their independence. Dennis (2000) Reynolds et al., (1994) INT5 The SMEs owner(s) has/have a strong influence in the decision making process Reynolds et al., (1994) Murphy (1996) Munker MacGregor (2000) INT6 SMEs owners often withhold information from colleagues. Dennis (2000) INT7 The decision making process in SMEs is intuitive, rather than bases on detailed planning and exhaustive study. Reynolds et al.. (1994) Bunker MacGregor (2000) INT8 Intrusion of family values and concerns in decision making processes. Dennis (2000) Bunker MacGregor (2000) ID Characteristics of SMEs Reported by INT9 SMEs are more intent on improving day-to-day procedures SMEs face difficulties obtaining finance and other resources, and as a result have fewer resources. MacGregor et al., (1998) Cragg King (1993) Welsh White (1981) Gaskill Gibbs (1994) Reynolds et al. (1994) Blili Raymond (1993) INT 10 SMEs are more reluctant to spend on information technology and therefore have limited use of technology. Walczuch et al. (2000) Dennis (2000) MacGregor Bunker (1996) Poon Swatman (1997) Abell Limm (1996) INT11 SMEs have a lack of technical knowledge and specialist staff and provide little IT training for staff. Martin Matlay (2001) Cragg King (1993) Bunker MacGregor (2000) Reynolds et al., (1994) Blili Raymond (1993) Table 1: Internal characteristics of SMEs categorized by MacGregor and Vrazalic (2004) ID Characteristics of SMEs Reported by EXT 1 SMEs have a narrow product/service range. Bunker MacGregor (2000) Reynolds et al. (1994) EXT2 SMEs have a limited share of the market (often confined toward a niche market) and therefore heavily rely on few customer. Hadjimonolis (1999) Lawrence (1997) Quayle (2002) Reynolds et al. (1994) EXT3 SMEs are product oriented, while large businesses are more customer oriented. Reynolds et al. (1994) Bunker MacGregor (2000) MacGregor et al(1998) EXT4 SMEs are not interested in large shares of the market. Reynolds et al. (1994) MacGregor et al. (1998) EXT5 SMEs are unable to compete with their larger counterparts. Lawrence (1997) EXT6 SMEs have lower control over their external environment than larger businesses and therefore face more uncertainty. Westhead Storey (1996) Hill Stewart(2000) EXT7 SMEs face more risks than large businesses because the failure rates of SMEs are higher. Brigham Smith (1967) Delone (1988) Cochran (1981) Table 2: External characteristics of SMEs categorized by MacGregor and Vrazalic (2004) Obviously, the most significant SMEs feature which clarifies border between small businesses and their larger counterpart is uncertainty the characteristic which has been come up by Westhead Storey (1996) and Hill Stewart (2000). It takes root in lacking control over external environment and this feature shows differences between large enterprises and their small counterparts. Electronic Commerce As the term electronic commerce is still an emerging concept, the definition varies between different contexts. Generally electronic commerce refers to the replacement of physical economic processes with electronic ones and the creation of new models for collaboration among trading partners. According to Tuunainen (1999) E-commerce consists of transaction oriented internet base functions (e.g. on-line catalogs, purchasing and payment).For online retail selling, the term e-tailing is sometimes used. There are a numerous studies regarding E-commerce so there are so many definitions for E-commerce.Turban et al. (2002) have expressed this definition as an emerging concept that describes the process of buying, selling or exchanging services and information via computer networks. Cummings and LeMaire (2005) described the meaning of E-commerce as an online system that allows customers to perform transactions over Internet. This process consists of whole business steps from ordering to delivery. Raymond (2001) specified E-commerce as functions of information exchange and commercial transaction support that operate on telecommunications networks linking business partners (typically customers and suppliers). Another definition which has been mentioned by MacGregor and Vrazalic (2004) is one of which presented by Damanpour (2001) as any net business activity that transforms internal and external relationships to create value and exploit market opportunities driven by new rules of the connected economy. Zwass (1996) identified another definition for E-commerce as sharing of business information, maintaining business relationships and conducting business transactions by means of telecommunications networks. An e-commerce and development report by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) anticipated total value of world e-commerce in 2002 at about US$2.3 trillion, and it came to US$12.8 trillion by 2006 (E-commerce and Development Report, 2002) so in the words of Kofi Annan, the former Secretary-General of the United Nations: E-commerce is one of the most visible examples of the way in which information and communication technologies (ICT) can contribute to economic growth. It helps countries improve trade efficiency and facilitates the integration of developing countries into the global economy. It allows businesses become more competitive. And it provides jobs, thereby creating wealth (E-commerce and Development Report, 2002).

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Human Interaction with Nature in the Works of Aldo Leopold and Elizabet

Human Interaction with Nature in the Works of Aldo Leopold and Elizabeth Bishop The poet Elizabeth Bishop and the naturalist Aldo Leopold share a keen power of observation, a beautifully detailed manner of writing, a love for the beauty of nature, and an interest in how people interact with the natural world. Like Leopold, Bishop examines human interactions with nature on both the personal and the ecological level. On the individual level, a hunter’s contact with the animal he or she is hunting changes his or her attitude toward nature in both Bishop’s poem â€Å"The Fish† and Leopold’s essay â€Å"Thinking Like a Mountain.† On the larger level, both Bishop in her poem â€Å"The Mountain† and Leopold throughout the Sand County Almanac envision the role of human beings in relation to the rest of the natural world as one of exploration and interpretation through science and art. In both Bishop’s â€Å"The Fish† and Leopold’s â€Å"Thinking Like a Mountain,† the person’s contact with a wild animal comes about through hunting. In theory, hunting is a sport, â€Å"a challenge of fang against bullet† (Leopold 129), in which the animal has a fair chance of escaping. In reality, however, there is no real challenge for the hunter in either case. Leopold and his companions, â€Å"pumping lead into the pack† (130), kill the wolf not by skill but by the sheer number of bullets, while Bishop’s speaker testifies, â€Å"He didn’t fight. / He hadn’t fought at all† (5-6). Thus, both call into question whether their hunting is actually a sport. Both Leopold and Bishop’s speaker are initially unaware of the true value of the creatures they hunt. Leopold writes, â€Å"I thought that because fewer wolves meant more deer, that no wolves would mean hunter’s paradise† (130). Bish... ... of human beings in nature is to explore, perceive, understand, and give a voice to the world around them through science and art. They suggest this both through what they say in their writing and by the very act of writing, which is an act of perception and interpretation of nature. However, their interpretations of the mountain’s message beg the question of whether they are interpreting it correctly, or whether they are simply attributing their own views to landforms. Perhaps their works are best seen as an invitation to their readers to explore the natural world for themselves and create their own interpretations. Contact with wild creatures might change our attitudes too! Bibliography Bishop, Elizabeth. The Complete Poems, 1927-1979. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux. Leopold, Aldo. A Sand County Almanac. New York: Oxford University Press, 1949.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

How to Deal with Moral Differences :: Papers Ethics Morality

How to Deal with Moral Differences The first way is to believe there are no morally right or wrong viewpoints. The moral issue is just a cultural game and neither your opinions or mine matters. Therefore there is no right or wrong. This view is called moral nihilism. Related to this idea is moral skepticism, which holds that we can’t know any moral truths, and moral subjectivism, which holds that moral views are merely inner states in a person and that they can’t be compared to the inner states of another person. However believing in the above solves no problems, if nobody is right and nobody is wrong. The second way is to believe that there is no universal truth, that each culture has its own set of rules that are valid and apply to that culture, they don’t interfere with our rules and we don’t interfere with theirs, this is called ethical relativism. This belief is viewed as an attitude of tolerance. This belief solves conflicts in the idea that whatever the majority deems to be the moral rule is the rule to follow. The third belief is that deep down in spite of all the cultures differences we call all still agree on a certain moral basics, that people everywhere have basically the same human nature but that we just adapt it into our environment, this idea is called Soft Universalism. Universalism because it perceives that there are some universal moral rules; soft because it is not as radical as hard universalism. This belief can solve problems because its main goal is to seek common ground beneath the variety of opinions and mores. The fourth belief is called hard universalism, this is the absolute opposite of moral nihilism stating that there is only one universal moral code. This belief solves problems with hard evidence and reason. Problems with Ethical Relativism: (1) No Criticism or Praise of Other Cultures, we need to criticize or praise other cultures morals to maintain our own moral integrity. (2) Majority Rule, the idea of the majority always being right is just not rational. (3) Professed or Actual Morality? this is the idea that a certain kind of behavior is normal, but what is â€Å"normal†? for example when a group was asked about infidelity the majority was against it but when the same group was asked if they had committed it, the majority had. (4) What is a Majority? In the instance of euthanasia if a law is passed tomorrow

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky , composer :: essays research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã¢â‚¬Å" A Great Composer† Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky was born on May 7, 1840. When Peter was born his family lived on a small estate in Votkinsk, a town near the Ural Mountains in central Russia. His father was French but his mother was Russian. She played the piano, and little Peter soon imitated her. His father had moved to Moscow when he was eight years old. When he later moved to Moscow , he attended the school of Jurisprudence. Sadly, Peter’s mother died in the summer of 1854 of cholera. Peter later begins his music career. Some of his first ballets were Juliet in Romeo and Juliet, Joan of Arc, O'dette . In his ballet Swan Lake, a woman cursed by a wizard is changed into a swan. Peter had a #1 symphony called Winter Dreams in 1868. He met a Belgian singer named Desiree Artet. In a few months after their relationship started, she married someone else. After the terrible breakup, Peter started to compose all around the world. He had his symphony #2 which was nicknamed , â€Å"The Little Russian.† He originally wrote Piano Concerto #1 in 1875 and became very famous. At one time, he was Russia’s most famous composer. In the year 1876 he premiered Swan Lake, where he met face to face with Russia’s most famous writer, Leo Tolstoy.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In March 1877, Swan Lake was performed for the first time. Today it is considered the greatest ballet anyone has ever seen. In 1877, the Queen of England asked him to compose a simple piano and violin arrangement. Peter was later found out to be a homosexual. Perhaps he felt he had to keep his sexual orientation a secret. On night he attempted suicide because of all the stress he had been through in his life.

Critical Issues in Policing Essay

Critical Issues in Policing Introduction There are a number of critical issues when concerning policing and this task quite frankly is not an easy one. Police officers have to be mindful of many things that affect how their job must be done. This paper will discuss the dangers of policing and how it affects police officers; less-than-lethal-weapons and the benefits that it has for officers and our community; past, present, and future technology of policing and some of the benefits that they entail; Homeland Security and law enforcements relationship; and Police Deviance. DANGER POLICING There are many dangers concerning the work of a police officer. Officers face various types of dangers and risk. When a person signs up to become an officer of the law, they already know the nature of the job means that they will be putting themselves at risk of different dangers. Possessing the job of protecting others and keeping peace within the community is a risk in itself. Some of these dangers that officers face every day of their lives are health problems like getting the following high blood pressure, insomnia, increased levels of destructive hormones, heart problems, posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and a big one is suicide and this is from the stress of the job (Zink, 2012). It does not only affect an officer’s physical health but also their mental health and with that is where suicide can come into the picture. Driving is also another danger that an officer faces because they can crash or get hit while on a traffic stop due to other drivers either not paying at tention to what they are doing, not knowing how to drive, or they are under the influence of something; not the officer but the other driver. A big danger is getting hurt on the job in some way or another and even death. Officers face different people every day that can be in bad situations like fighting, on some type of drug, or just plain hate life and the person may not care and want to harm the officer in any way possible. This occurs when a police  officers’ training and weapons can help with the situation. LESS THEN LETHAL WEAPONS It is the police officer’s job to enter volatile and unpredictable situations to apprehend suspects, and keep everyone safe in the process of doing so. Each officer is trained to assess situations and to apply no more force than necessary (CJi Interactive, 2012). There are many different types of force which include: use of authority: voice tone, choice of words, body language, and physical positioning; use of body: pushing, restraining, grabbing or holding, hitting, and choking; use of restraints: cuffing; and deadly force: gun and intentional vehicle collision. One use of force that is used often is less than lethal weapons. Some examples of less than lethal weapons would be a baton, pepper spray, a stun gun or Taser, and nets (CJi Interactive, 2012).Another option is less than lethal ammunition such as rubber bullets, bean bags, and pepper balls. Less than lethal weapons were developed to assist law enforcement with the apprehension of suspects without having to use deadly force. Many of these examples aid the officers in doing their jobs more efficiently and providing a safe environment not only for the suspect, but for any bystanders, and the officer as well. POLICE TECHNOLOGY Technology is changing the way police operate. â€Å"In the past 10 years the rate of technological change is so fast that one could reasonably suggest that the top 10 jobs 10 years from now might not even exist today.† (â€Å"The Future Is Here: Technology In Police Departments†, 2003-2012). Technology is changing how grants requests are formatted and funding is a big issue in policing. The things that police do with technology were not common knowledge 10 years ago. For the officers that have been with the police force for years they may have a hard time adjusting to the new technology but for the younger police officers it makes the job easier. Crime lights, in car camera system, photo enforcement systems, graffiti cameras, thermal imaging, criminal investigations records system, electrical white board, and much more are some of the new things technology is bringing to help police our communities. Crime lights let crime scenes be handled faster than in the years befo re technology became a big thing. Things that  was not able to see before and now available. In car camera system record video footage of procedures containing the public such matters as traffic stops, criminal investigations, and arrests. Photo enforcement systems generate traffic violations like when people speed or run red lights. Graffiti cameras allow pictures to be taken of suspects who vandalize property. Thermal imaging makes it easier to find suspects because it tracks their movements because it is body censored. Criminal investigations records system gathers relevant information to help identify suspects. Electrical white board makes things run faster in meeting instead of using a regular white or chalk board. HOMELAND SECURITY The federal government has declared a war on terrorism that has changed our lives and had a profound effect in ways that affect local police agencies. New aggressive actions by the law enforcement and intelligence communities have been taken because of the threat of terrorism (â€Å"Homeland Security and Law Enforcement†, n.d.). Local, state and federal law enforcement agencies are concerned with terrorist activities. After 9/11 attack, the federal government started to advocate that terrorism activity is best responded through a multi-agency approach, which means with the help of local, state and federal agencies which includes efforts as investigating suspected terrorists and preparing and responding to terrorism acts. The federal government also states that police are the first ones to come in contact with criminal aliens who may be threat to national security and believes that local and state agencies should enforce immigration laws. Adding these activities to local and st ate agencies can be dangerous as it can take officers from their current duties and is costly. A lot of police departments do not want enforce immigration laws and many local authorities are ordering local police officers not to assist federal agents in arresting illegal aliens as they do not want the aliens to see the police as a threat to their legal status (Walker & Katz, p. 517, 2011). Local police officials are worried that by enforcing immigration laws in identifying and deporting illegal immigrants would alienate them from local communities where they are trying to develop positive relations. They are also concerned that illegal immigrants are afraid to report crimes to police due to their legal status. There is also a concern that it jeopardizes trust and  cooperation between illegal immigrants and the police. POLICE DEVIANCE Another additional critical issue in policing is police deviance also known as police corruption. Police deviance occurs when law enforcement officers behave in a manner that is â€Å"inconsistent with the officer’s legal authority, organizational authority, and standards of ethical conduct† (Barker and Carter, 1986, pp. 2–3). This is an intentional violation of rules and regulations, standards, or procedures by police officials of the organization. Police corruption involves criminal activity of a police officer which includes committing crimes like robbery, selling drugs, or doing some type of criminal act that violates or doesn’t enforce the law. As part of the policing issues that take place in the organizations police deviance is relevant because these types of misconducts take place with police officials and are part of the community. It relates to danger in policing because a lot of the time the deviance and corruption is done outside of the organiz ation while on duty in the streets. This causes issues amongst the community and the police when its sexual harassment, excessive use of force, use of restricted weapons, and discrimination. Police officials usually stick with each other when it comes to these types of misconducts taking place especially since officers adopted the code of silence, where any officer refused to testify against another officer in their ranks. CONCLUSION In policing it is fair to say that there are issues that are easier addressed then others and that it will take time and effort. It is critical that the police stay focused and continue to do everything in their power possible to be effective on a day-to-day basis Reference CJi Interactive. (2012). The Police: Issues and Challenges. Retrieved from Homeland Security and Law Enforcement. (n.d.). Retrieved from​homeland-security-and Police dangers.html. (n.d.). Retrieved from police officers pages:

Monday, September 16, 2019

Instructional strategies and approaches Essay

Cognitive theories can be more easily applied, and changes and improvements can be more readily incorporated, as long as the teacher has had some specific training in knowing how students learn. For example, grading might be an inaccurate measurement of assessment of the efficacy of online education as it is not necessarily a true measurement of learning. Some students work hard to perfect their performance for a test at the end of the course, yet have learned very little. What is more important than simple measurements of right or wrong is to attempt, throughout the class, to see how each student is thinking. This can become apparent if a student is asked to explain his or her reasoning. The classroom is an environment that lends itself very well to written responses of explicit lines of reasoning. Once a student’s thinking becomes apparent in this way, the instructor can identify areas of prior knowledge and, should there be any misconceptions, can structure teaching in such a way as to correct them. Alternatively, if apparent thoughts of the students as written in discussions reveal a solid and correct prior knowledge in this arena, the teacher would be able to reinforce this and help students to expand their knowledge still further and to make more connections. Furthermore, during the semester, students should be encouraged to develop their thinking and in this way can identify which areas they feel less confident about, and for which they would like some extra help. We help students internalize and give the information automaticity by providing adequate opportunities for them to work with the process and by providing feedback often. Students need the time to practice an activity until it becomes automatic for them. if we didn’t practice math or if students had not been allowed to practice with their park rides designs, the results would not be of high quality. Students need both massed practice and practice over time before the process becomes internalized. Immersion is a great tool, but if we do not come back to the learning from time to time, often the learning is lost. That is why students may do well on the test this Friday over the math concepts studied this week, but try giving them a problem from this week’s work three weeks from now (Tileston, 2003). Reference: Tileston, D. D. E. W. (2003). What Every Teacher Should Know About Using Media and Technology. Thousan Oaks, California: Corwin Press.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Note for Writing Task 1 Ielts

NOTES ON NECESSARY VOCABULARY FOR WRITING TASK 1 POPULATION: the most/least populated; the biggest/smallest number of people; the most/least densely populated; the most/fewest people; the number of people/residents/inhabitants DIFFERENT TYPES OF STH: many kinds of, various categories, a range of, a host of TOURISTS (to Australia): travelers to Australian, people who travel(led) to Australia, people who go/went to Australia, people who visit/visited Australia.FUELS (coal, gas, oil, and nuclear to produce energy/power or electricity): The most popular source of energy is/was†¦.. ; the most power is/was produced from†¦.. ; the most electricity comes/came from†¦.. , energy production from†¦. s the highest DISTANCE: to drive/cover/run a long distance, to drive a longer distance, to cover the longest distance; the distance/space that London train covered was the longest WATER CONSUMPTION & OIL PRODUCTION: the most water was used/consumed in agricultural sector; agricult ure is/was the sector that consumed the most water; water usage in agriculture is/was the highest; the most oil was produced in Europe, DEATH RATE: the percentage of people who died (of + a disease), the number of deaths (among young people); the mortality rate, BIRTH RATE: birth rate, fertility rate, the proportion of babies born, the number of infants, WORKERS: the number of workers in education sector; the number of employees in education domain/field; the number of people who work(ed) in education sector, the most people worked/functioned/operated in service sector.LEISURE ACTIVITIES: hobby, interest, like, choose, select, vote for, take part in, join in, SALES: sale = the act of selling things, sales = the number of items sold, SAVINGS (always plural) = the money that is/was saved EARNINGS (always plural) = the money that is/was earned EXPENDITURE: spending on sth = an amount of money that is/was spent on sth = the expenditure on sth = the budge for sth = Noun + expense ; more money was spent on sth than on sth else; people tend to spend more on sth than on sth else, the expense on sth is higher than†¦.. DIFFERENT AGE GROUPS: 14-24: People from 14 to 24 years old = people between 14 and 24 years old = people aged 14 to 24 = the 14-24-year-old people = the 14-24-year-olds = people from the youngest group 45 and over: Men/women from 45 years old = ales/females aged 45 and over = men/women from the oldest group = those from the oldest group 25-34: People from 25 to 34 years old = †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ = people from the second youngest group = those from the second youngest group 35-44: People from 35 to 44 years old = †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ = people from the second oldest group = those from the second youngest group Note: People (men/males, women/female, viewers, members, participants, attendants, male smokers/ female smokers†¦. ) NOTES ON IELTS WRITING TOPICS (TASK 2) CHILDREN Writing task 2 (an essay) Some think that computer games are dangerous for children in every way; others think that computer games help children’s development. Discuss both views and give your opinion. Writing task 2 (an essay) Men and women employed in full-time jobs have to share evenly household chores and caring for children at home. Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Writing task 2 (an essay) In certain cultures old age is considered to be more important while in others it’s the opposite, children are thought to be more important.Discuss both views and give your opinion. Writing task 2 (an essay) A country’s future is depending on its young people. Therefore, a country should invest heavily in its youth. Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Writing task 2 (an essay) Nowadays children have too much freedom. Do you agree or disagree? Writing task 2 (an essay) Some people say that younger children should follow their instincts and be allowed to behave as freely as they want, while others disagree. Discuss both views and give your opinion. Writing task 2 (an essay) Teachers at schools exert a greater influence on intellectual and social development of their students, as compared to their parents.Do you agree or disagree? Provide arguments to support your opinion. Writing task 2 (an essay) Some argue that teaching students of different abilities in one classroom isn’t beneficial. Discuss and give your own opinion. Writing task 2 (an essay) Some people think that schools are merely turning children into good citizens and workers, rather than benefiting them as individuals. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Writing task 2 (an essay) Many people believe that teachers should teach students how to judge right from wrong and how to behave, while others think they should just teach academic subjects. What is your opinion? STUDENTS Writing task 2 (an essay)Theoretical subjects like mathematics, philosophy and economics should be removed from the university education, whereas most of the students ar e interested in taking practical subjects such as computer programming, engineering and so on. Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Writing task 2 (an essay) Some people believe that universities are producing more graduates than needed, and that less emphasis should be placed on university education. Others are of a different opinion. Discuss both views and include you own opinion. Writing task 2 (an essay) In the past lecturers could teach a certain number of students in one lecture hall. With the development of new technology it’s hard to justify the reason to participate the lecture physically and not via the internet. Do you agree or disagree with this statement? What is your personal opinion? Writing task 2 (an essay) Read also: Principles of Good Writing by L.A. HillSome countries are providing general education in secondary schools, while others are teaching skills specific to a future career. Which type of education would be a better choice these days, in your opinion? Writing task 2 (an essay) Many university students live with their families while others need to live away from home because their universities are in different cities. What are the advantages and disadvantages in both situations? Writing task 2 (an essay) Employers now tend to prefer employees with good social skills in addition to good qualifications. Social skills are getting more and more important compared to qualifications. Do you agree or disagree? Writing Task 2 (an essay)Most students choose to work part time during university studies. Do you think it is a good or a bad idea? Give your opinion and support it with an explanation and examples. Writing task 2 (an essay) Paying university graduates large salaries is justifie d, but only if they had to pay for their education. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement? ENVIRONMENT AND TOURISM Writing task 2 (an essay) Environmental pollution is a serious issue and it is important to take steps on an individual level to reduce it. But now, since it is becoming an international issue, it is time to take environmental protection to a higher level. To what extent do you agree or disagree?Writing task 2 (an essay) Many people say there is a need to protect the environment, but put no effort when it comes to them. Do you belong to these people? What actions could be taken to prevent this? Discuss and provide real life examples. Writing task 2 (an essay) Some people say cheap air travel is good because it enables ordinary people to travel, others argue that it is bad for the environment. Discuss both views, and include your opinion. Writing task 2 (an essay) Costs of international travel are decreasing and the tourism is growing. What are the advantages and disadvantages of an increasing tourism activity in different countries? Writing task 2 (an essay)Many people say that companies and private tour operators should pay the bills for cleaning up pollution, instead of the government. To what extent do you agree or disagree with that? Writing task 2 (an essay) Many experts hold the opinion that the increasing demand for oil and gas means people should look for new sources of energy for the future. Others feel that the damage to the land would be a major disadvantage of such search. What is your opinion? Explain and give reasons from your own experience. Writing task 2 (an essay) Developments in technology have caused environmental problems. Some say this can be solved by living a simple life, others think that technology can solve these problems.Discuss both views and give your opinion. Writing task 2 (an essay) Cultural traditions are being used for money making purposes, especially for tourists. Is this destroying the tr aditions or is it the only way to keep them alive? Writing task 2 (an essay) Nowadays a growing throw-away culture causes people to throw away their goods and replace them with new, latest technology ones available on the market. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this culture for our society. Writing task 2 (an essay) Reducing the global environmental damage should be handled by the governments rather than individuals. To what extent do you agree or disagree?Give reasons for your answer and provide relevant examples from your own experience. MEDIA Writing task 2 (an essay) Mobile phones and the internet can be of great use for the elderly. In what ways do you think these can be helpful to them? How can they be encouraged to use this technology? Writing task 2 (an essay) Nowadays TV news shows a lot of disaster scenes and violence. What effect on individuals and society in general can this have? Writing task 2 (an essay) Nowadays, young people are admiring media and sports stars even though they don’t set a good example. Do you think this is a positive or a negative development? Writing task 2 (an essay)Even though people read the news using the internet nowadays, newspapers still are an important source of information for the general public. Do you agree or disagree with that statement? Writing task 2 (an essay) Nowadays TV news shows a lot of disaster scenes and violence. What effect on individuals and society in general can this have? Writing task 2 (an essay) News is a source of knowledge about the world. How much can we trust the journalists? What are the qualities a good journalist should have? ARTS & TECHNOLOGY Writing task 2 (an essay) Some people think that museums should entertain people, while others believe that the purpose of museums is to educate. Discuss both views and give you own opinion.Writing task 2 (an essay) Some people think that government should support artists (poets, musicians) financially, other argue that money shou ld be spent on other, more important, issues. Do you agree or disagree? Writing task 2 (an essay) Why do you think artists like writers, musicians and painters still have value in our society? Discuss. Writing task 2 (an essay) These days, people pay more attention to artists (writers, painters and so on) and give less importance to science and technology. Do you agree or disagree with this view? Writing task 2 (an essay) In the last century, the first man walking on the moon said: â€Å"It is a giant leap for mankind†.However, some people think it makes little difference to our daily lives. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Writing task 2 (an essay) In the past lecturers could teach a certain number of students in one lecture hall. With the development of new technology it’s hard to justify the reason to participate the lecture physically and not via the internet. Do you agree or disagree with this statement? What is your personal opinion? Writing Task 2 (an es say) Lectures were the traditional way to teach large numbers of students in the past. Now new technology is being used to teach students. Is this a positive or a negative development? Writing task 2 (an assay)Early technological developments brought more benefits and changes to people’s life than the recent technological developments. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Writing task 2 (an essay) Mobile phones and the internet can be of great use for the elderly. In what ways do you think these can be helpful to them? How can they be encouraged to use this technology? Writing task 2 (an essay) Some people think that government should spend money on other important subjects rather helping artists. Do you agree or disagree? GOVERNMENT AND LAW Writing Task 2 (an essay) Some people think that the role of women in the military or police forces is very relevant and becoming more significant. Others argue the opposite. Do you agree or disagree? What is your opinion?Writing task 2 (an essay) Some people think that design of newly constructed buildings in big cities should be controlled by governments. Do you agree or disagree? Writing Task 2 (an essay) Nowadays jobs become more stressful and workers stay longer at work. What are the reasons for this? What can employers do to help employees? Writing task 2 (an essay) Often new commercial centers are planed with respect to green areas and sport facilities. Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Why? Writing task 2 (an essay) Some people believe that governments should ban dangerous sports. Others claim that they should have freedom to choose their favorite activities.Discuss both views and present your opinion. Writing task 2 (an essay) Some people say that the government is responsible for aged care and financial support for the elderly, others argue that it is the role of individuals. Discuss both views and give your opinion. HEALTH Writing task 2 (an essay) Some say that public health is important and there should be more sports facilities. Others say that they have small impact on individuals. Discuss both views and give your opinion. Writing task 2 (an essay) Some people say that the government is responsible for aged care and financial support for the elderly, others argue that it is the role of individuals.Discuss both views and give your opinion. ECONOMY Writing task 2 (an essay) Richness is an important factor in helping people. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Writing task 2 (an essay) Even though developing countries receive financial help, poverty is still an issue. Some say they should be receiving other kind of help, to eliminate poverty. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Give examples and suggest what other form of help can be offered. Writing task 2 (an essay) Some say that economic development is the solution to poverty; others say it is the cause of poverty. Do you agree or disagree with the statement? Give your own opinion. Writing task 2 (an es say)Nowadays a growing throw-away culture causes people to throw away their goods and replace them with new, latest technology ones available on the market. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this culture for our society. Writing task 2 (an essay) Many people support the development of agriculture, such as factory farming and creation of new fruits and vegetables. Others oppose to this idea. Present both sides and give your personal opinion. Writing task 2 (an essay) Rich countries should not employ skilled labor from poor countries, as the poor countries need the workers more. To what extent do you agree or disagree? ADVERTISING Writing task 2 (an essay) Some people think advertising is good for the economy.Others say it can cause people to desire something unnecessary or completely useless. What is your opinion? Writing task 2 (an essay) Some people believe that advertisements targeting children may have negative effects on them, and suggest banning such advertisements as a solution. To what extent do you agree or disagree? SOCIAL ISSUES Writing task 2 (an essay) Multi-cultural societies have more advantages than drawbacks. Do you agree or disagree? Support your opinion with examples. Writing task 2 (an essay) Some people say that individuals are depending a lot on each other and some say individuals are getting more independent of each other. Discuss both views and give your opinion. Writing task 2 (an essay)The big cities are constantly growing. Why is this happening, and what problems does it bring? What can be done to improve people’s lives? Writing task 2 (an essay) There is a trend of increasing competitiveness in today’s society. In your opinion, is it a good or a bad development? Writing task 2 (an essay) People in former times used to be more dependent on one another, whereas nowadays they lead a more independent life. Do you agree or disagree? LANGUAGE DEATH Writing task 2 (an essay) Every year rare languages disappear from t he world. Some people say this is not important, because it is better to have fewer languages. To what extent do you agree or disagree?