Sunday, September 15, 2019

Note for Writing Task 1 Ielts

NOTES ON NECESSARY VOCABULARY FOR WRITING TASK 1 POPULATION: the most/least populated; the biggest/smallest number of people; the most/least densely populated; the most/fewest people; the number of people/residents/inhabitants DIFFERENT TYPES OF STH: many kinds of, various categories, a range of, a host of TOURISTS (to Australia): travelers to Australian, people who travel(led) to Australia, people who go/went to Australia, people who visit/visited Australia.FUELS (coal, gas, oil, and nuclear to produce energy/power or electricity): The most popular source of energy is/was†¦.. ; the most power is/was produced from†¦.. ; the most electricity comes/came from†¦.. , energy production from†¦. s the highest DISTANCE: to drive/cover/run a long distance, to drive a longer distance, to cover the longest distance; the distance/space that London train covered was the longest WATER CONSUMPTION & OIL PRODUCTION: the most water was used/consumed in agricultural sector; agricult ure is/was the sector that consumed the most water; water usage in agriculture is/was the highest; the most oil was produced in Europe, DEATH RATE: the percentage of people who died (of + a disease), the number of deaths (among young people); the mortality rate, BIRTH RATE: birth rate, fertility rate, the proportion of babies born, the number of infants, WORKERS: the number of workers in education sector; the number of employees in education domain/field; the number of people who work(ed) in education sector, the most people worked/functioned/operated in service sector.LEISURE ACTIVITIES: hobby, interest, like, choose, select, vote for, take part in, join in, SALES: sale = the act of selling things, sales = the number of items sold, SAVINGS (always plural) = the money that is/was saved EARNINGS (always plural) = the money that is/was earned EXPENDITURE: spending on sth = an amount of money that is/was spent on sth = the expenditure on sth = the budge for sth = Noun + expense ; more money was spent on sth than on sth else; people tend to spend more on sth than on sth else, the expense on sth is higher than†¦.. DIFFERENT AGE GROUPS: 14-24: People from 14 to 24 years old = people between 14 and 24 years old = people aged 14 to 24 = the 14-24-year-old people = the 14-24-year-olds = people from the youngest group 45 and over: Men/women from 45 years old = ales/females aged 45 and over = men/women from the oldest group = those from the oldest group 25-34: People from 25 to 34 years old = †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ = people from the second youngest group = those from the second youngest group 35-44: People from 35 to 44 years old = †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ = people from the second oldest group = those from the second youngest group Note: People (men/males, women/female, viewers, members, participants, attendants, male smokers/ female smokers†¦. ) NOTES ON IELTS WRITING TOPICS (TASK 2) CHILDREN Writing task 2 (an essay) Some think that computer games are dangerous for children in every way; others think that computer games help children’s development. Discuss both views and give your opinion. Writing task 2 (an essay) Men and women employed in full-time jobs have to share evenly household chores and caring for children at home. Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Writing task 2 (an essay) In certain cultures old age is considered to be more important while in others it’s the opposite, children are thought to be more important.Discuss both views and give your opinion. Writing task 2 (an essay) A country’s future is depending on its young people. Therefore, a country should invest heavily in its youth. Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Writing task 2 (an essay) Nowadays children have too much freedom. Do you agree or disagree? Writing task 2 (an essay) Some people say that younger children should follow their instincts and be allowed to behave as freely as they want, while others disagree. Discuss both views and give your opinion. Writing task 2 (an essay) Teachers at schools exert a greater influence on intellectual and social development of their students, as compared to their parents.Do you agree or disagree? Provide arguments to support your opinion. Writing task 2 (an essay) Some argue that teaching students of different abilities in one classroom isn’t beneficial. Discuss and give your own opinion. Writing task 2 (an essay) Some people think that schools are merely turning children into good citizens and workers, rather than benefiting them as individuals. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Writing task 2 (an essay) Many people believe that teachers should teach students how to judge right from wrong and how to behave, while others think they should just teach academic subjects. What is your opinion? STUDENTS Writing task 2 (an essay)Theoretical subjects like mathematics, philosophy and economics should be removed from the university education, whereas most of the students ar e interested in taking practical subjects such as computer programming, engineering and so on. Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Writing task 2 (an essay) Some people believe that universities are producing more graduates than needed, and that less emphasis should be placed on university education. Others are of a different opinion. Discuss both views and include you own opinion. Writing task 2 (an essay) In the past lecturers could teach a certain number of students in one lecture hall. With the development of new technology it’s hard to justify the reason to participate the lecture physically and not via the internet. Do you agree or disagree with this statement? What is your personal opinion? Writing task 2 (an essay) Read also: Principles of Good Writing by L.A. HillSome countries are providing general education in secondary schools, while others are teaching skills specific to a future career. Which type of education would be a better choice these days, in your opinion? Writing task 2 (an essay) Many university students live with their families while others need to live away from home because their universities are in different cities. What are the advantages and disadvantages in both situations? Writing task 2 (an essay) Employers now tend to prefer employees with good social skills in addition to good qualifications. Social skills are getting more and more important compared to qualifications. Do you agree or disagree? Writing Task 2 (an essay)Most students choose to work part time during university studies. Do you think it is a good or a bad idea? Give your opinion and support it with an explanation and examples. Writing task 2 (an essay) Paying university graduates large salaries is justifie d, but only if they had to pay for their education. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement? ENVIRONMENT AND TOURISM Writing task 2 (an essay) Environmental pollution is a serious issue and it is important to take steps on an individual level to reduce it. But now, since it is becoming an international issue, it is time to take environmental protection to a higher level. To what extent do you agree or disagree?Writing task 2 (an essay) Many people say there is a need to protect the environment, but put no effort when it comes to them. Do you belong to these people? What actions could be taken to prevent this? Discuss and provide real life examples. Writing task 2 (an essay) Some people say cheap air travel is good because it enables ordinary people to travel, others argue that it is bad for the environment. Discuss both views, and include your opinion. Writing task 2 (an essay) Costs of international travel are decreasing and the tourism is growing. What are the advantages and disadvantages of an increasing tourism activity in different countries? Writing task 2 (an essay)Many people say that companies and private tour operators should pay the bills for cleaning up pollution, instead of the government. To what extent do you agree or disagree with that? Writing task 2 (an essay) Many experts hold the opinion that the increasing demand for oil and gas means people should look for new sources of energy for the future. Others feel that the damage to the land would be a major disadvantage of such search. What is your opinion? Explain and give reasons from your own experience. Writing task 2 (an essay) Developments in technology have caused environmental problems. Some say this can be solved by living a simple life, others think that technology can solve these problems.Discuss both views and give your opinion. Writing task 2 (an essay) Cultural traditions are being used for money making purposes, especially for tourists. Is this destroying the tr aditions or is it the only way to keep them alive? Writing task 2 (an essay) Nowadays a growing throw-away culture causes people to throw away their goods and replace them with new, latest technology ones available on the market. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this culture for our society. Writing task 2 (an essay) Reducing the global environmental damage should be handled by the governments rather than individuals. To what extent do you agree or disagree?Give reasons for your answer and provide relevant examples from your own experience. MEDIA Writing task 2 (an essay) Mobile phones and the internet can be of great use for the elderly. In what ways do you think these can be helpful to them? How can they be encouraged to use this technology? Writing task 2 (an essay) Nowadays TV news shows a lot of disaster scenes and violence. What effect on individuals and society in general can this have? Writing task 2 (an essay) Nowadays, young people are admiring media and sports stars even though they don’t set a good example. Do you think this is a positive or a negative development? Writing task 2 (an essay)Even though people read the news using the internet nowadays, newspapers still are an important source of information for the general public. Do you agree or disagree with that statement? Writing task 2 (an essay) Nowadays TV news shows a lot of disaster scenes and violence. What effect on individuals and society in general can this have? Writing task 2 (an essay) News is a source of knowledge about the world. How much can we trust the journalists? What are the qualities a good journalist should have? ARTS & TECHNOLOGY Writing task 2 (an essay) Some people think that museums should entertain people, while others believe that the purpose of museums is to educate. Discuss both views and give you own opinion.Writing task 2 (an essay) Some people think that government should support artists (poets, musicians) financially, other argue that money shou ld be spent on other, more important, issues. Do you agree or disagree? Writing task 2 (an essay) Why do you think artists like writers, musicians and painters still have value in our society? Discuss. Writing task 2 (an essay) These days, people pay more attention to artists (writers, painters and so on) and give less importance to science and technology. Do you agree or disagree with this view? Writing task 2 (an essay) In the last century, the first man walking on the moon said: â€Å"It is a giant leap for mankind†.However, some people think it makes little difference to our daily lives. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Writing task 2 (an essay) In the past lecturers could teach a certain number of students in one lecture hall. With the development of new technology it’s hard to justify the reason to participate the lecture physically and not via the internet. Do you agree or disagree with this statement? What is your personal opinion? Writing Task 2 (an es say) Lectures were the traditional way to teach large numbers of students in the past. Now new technology is being used to teach students. Is this a positive or a negative development? Writing task 2 (an assay)Early technological developments brought more benefits and changes to people’s life than the recent technological developments. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Writing task 2 (an essay) Mobile phones and the internet can be of great use for the elderly. In what ways do you think these can be helpful to them? How can they be encouraged to use this technology? Writing task 2 (an essay) Some people think that government should spend money on other important subjects rather helping artists. Do you agree or disagree? GOVERNMENT AND LAW Writing Task 2 (an essay) Some people think that the role of women in the military or police forces is very relevant and becoming more significant. Others argue the opposite. Do you agree or disagree? What is your opinion?Writing task 2 (an essay) Some people think that design of newly constructed buildings in big cities should be controlled by governments. Do you agree or disagree? Writing Task 2 (an essay) Nowadays jobs become more stressful and workers stay longer at work. What are the reasons for this? What can employers do to help employees? Writing task 2 (an essay) Often new commercial centers are planed with respect to green areas and sport facilities. Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Why? Writing task 2 (an essay) Some people believe that governments should ban dangerous sports. Others claim that they should have freedom to choose their favorite activities.Discuss both views and present your opinion. Writing task 2 (an essay) Some people say that the government is responsible for aged care and financial support for the elderly, others argue that it is the role of individuals. Discuss both views and give your opinion. HEALTH Writing task 2 (an essay) Some say that public health is important and there should be more sports facilities. Others say that they have small impact on individuals. Discuss both views and give your opinion. Writing task 2 (an essay) Some people say that the government is responsible for aged care and financial support for the elderly, others argue that it is the role of individuals.Discuss both views and give your opinion. ECONOMY Writing task 2 (an essay) Richness is an important factor in helping people. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Writing task 2 (an essay) Even though developing countries receive financial help, poverty is still an issue. Some say they should be receiving other kind of help, to eliminate poverty. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Give examples and suggest what other form of help can be offered. Writing task 2 (an essay) Some say that economic development is the solution to poverty; others say it is the cause of poverty. Do you agree or disagree with the statement? Give your own opinion. Writing task 2 (an es say)Nowadays a growing throw-away culture causes people to throw away their goods and replace them with new, latest technology ones available on the market. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this culture for our society. Writing task 2 (an essay) Many people support the development of agriculture, such as factory farming and creation of new fruits and vegetables. Others oppose to this idea. Present both sides and give your personal opinion. Writing task 2 (an essay) Rich countries should not employ skilled labor from poor countries, as the poor countries need the workers more. To what extent do you agree or disagree? ADVERTISING Writing task 2 (an essay) Some people think advertising is good for the economy.Others say it can cause people to desire something unnecessary or completely useless. What is your opinion? Writing task 2 (an essay) Some people believe that advertisements targeting children may have negative effects on them, and suggest banning such advertisements as a solution. To what extent do you agree or disagree? SOCIAL ISSUES Writing task 2 (an essay) Multi-cultural societies have more advantages than drawbacks. Do you agree or disagree? Support your opinion with examples. Writing task 2 (an essay) Some people say that individuals are depending a lot on each other and some say individuals are getting more independent of each other. Discuss both views and give your opinion. Writing task 2 (an essay)The big cities are constantly growing. Why is this happening, and what problems does it bring? What can be done to improve people’s lives? Writing task 2 (an essay) There is a trend of increasing competitiveness in today’s society. In your opinion, is it a good or a bad development? Writing task 2 (an essay) People in former times used to be more dependent on one another, whereas nowadays they lead a more independent life. Do you agree or disagree? LANGUAGE DEATH Writing task 2 (an essay) Every year rare languages disappear from t he world. Some people say this is not important, because it is better to have fewer languages. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

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