Monday, September 16, 2019

Instructional strategies and approaches Essay

Cognitive theories can be more easily applied, and changes and improvements can be more readily incorporated, as long as the teacher has had some specific training in knowing how students learn. For example, grading might be an inaccurate measurement of assessment of the efficacy of online education as it is not necessarily a true measurement of learning. Some students work hard to perfect their performance for a test at the end of the course, yet have learned very little. What is more important than simple measurements of right or wrong is to attempt, throughout the class, to see how each student is thinking. This can become apparent if a student is asked to explain his or her reasoning. The classroom is an environment that lends itself very well to written responses of explicit lines of reasoning. Once a student’s thinking becomes apparent in this way, the instructor can identify areas of prior knowledge and, should there be any misconceptions, can structure teaching in such a way as to correct them. Alternatively, if apparent thoughts of the students as written in discussions reveal a solid and correct prior knowledge in this arena, the teacher would be able to reinforce this and help students to expand their knowledge still further and to make more connections. Furthermore, during the semester, students should be encouraged to develop their thinking and in this way can identify which areas they feel less confident about, and for which they would like some extra help. We help students internalize and give the information automaticity by providing adequate opportunities for them to work with the process and by providing feedback often. Students need the time to practice an activity until it becomes automatic for them. if we didn’t practice math or if students had not been allowed to practice with their park rides designs, the results would not be of high quality. Students need both massed practice and practice over time before the process becomes internalized. Immersion is a great tool, but if we do not come back to the learning from time to time, often the learning is lost. That is why students may do well on the test this Friday over the math concepts studied this week, but try giving them a problem from this week’s work three weeks from now (Tileston, 2003). Reference: Tileston, D. D. E. W. (2003). What Every Teacher Should Know About Using Media and Technology. Thousan Oaks, California: Corwin Press.

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